ited, the TSP expert

514-666-4833 | 514-MON-ITED

1-844-666-4833 | 1-844-MON-ITED

Our CSR involvement: ited, a committed company

Within the Alan Allman Associates ecosystem, we’ve been on a journey towards excellence for several years. Our efforts have been acknowledged through the receipt of numerous certifications: ISO 9001 version 2015 in 2019, the Happy at Work label since 2016 (topping the Happy at Work global rankings in 2022), and our Ecovadis silver medal in 2021, which was renewed in 2022. 

Our approach is embodied in our corporate social responsibility (CSR), highlighted by joining the Global Compact this year and committing to ongoing improvement. CSR is central to our values, and we are dedicated to integrating these principles daily into our business strategy, the management of the firms within the ecosystem, and our projects. 


The CSR policy at Alan Allman Associates revolves around seven key priorities that we are fully committed to: 

  1. Enhancing customer value; 
  2. Fostering innovation and skill development; 
  3. Ensuring the well-being of our employees; 
  4. Implementing responsible procurement practices; 
  5. Championing equity and equality within our ecosystem; 
  6. Minimizing our environmental footprint; 
  7. Upholding the highest standards of ethics and governance. 

Alan Allman Associates and each of our affiliated firms undertake specific initiatives aligned with these priorities. We have documented these actions to identify, showcase, and scale up those with the potential for the greatest impact.  


This CSR policy engages every firm around these seven priorities, which underpin our dedication to excellence. It’s complemented by shared areas for ongoing improvement. 

ited logo

ited: a company committed to the community

For years, ited has acknowledged the significance of various measures in safeguarding our planet. Whether tackling small-scale initiatives or monumental mandates, ited embraces every challenge and has emerged as a vital player in a multitude of commercial, educational, institutional, and municipal projects. 

From strategic planning to technical support, ited’s experts meticulously assess businesses’ needs, crafting high-performing, efficient, and lucrative technological solutions. 

Managed Services and Environmental Restoration: Our Expertise 

That’s why we’re especially proud of our ited-environment initiative, where we offer general contractors, electrical contractors, and building managers the removal and recycling of obsolete wiring, connection items, and other communication equipment at no cost. Through this initiative, we aim to forge partnerships in our environmental endeavors with frontline stakeholders. 

Many sites where we install wiring for new occupants are already cluttered with cables left by previous tenants. Most of these cables do not meet the CNB 2010 standard (FT6), which mandates the removal of unused old wiring. ited, mindful of this standard, believes it's our duty to ensure a safe and compliant working environment for those who inhabit it. 

Do you want to learn more about our CSR policy?